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Showing posts with label military. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Military Trial vs. a Civilian Trial for the 911 Attackers

An Iranian once said to me, stop complaining. You're lucky to be living in America - the land of the free and I said, yes, but if we don't take care, we too will lose all of our freedoms.

After 9/11, many engineers said it was not possible for buildings to melt away the way they did during 9/11 (see this video). Many have said 9/11 was all preplanned (see this video). Of course, these claims are all filed under “conspiracy theory” in order to discredit the entire idea.

I guess what one needs to analyze is the aftermath of 9/11. Former President George Bush came out and said, “You are either with us or against us.” I don’t know about you, but to me that sounds like a speech given by Hitler. So, from that point on, no one dared to question the authorities. As a result, the Patriot act came about and soon Americans began to lose their constitutional rights. Bush went into Iraq, claiming “weapons of mass destruction” which were never found. And anyone who dared to question the ethics of this attack on innocent civilians would soon be labeled as “unpatriotic.” The media began advertising the word “Terrorism” and soon there was this fierce fear instilled in the average American. Not to mention the unfair treatment of the citizens of middle-east as they traveled each time through the hostile airports of western governments.

After Bush and his cronies painted their red mark on United States, President Obama took over and went into Afghanistan looking for terrorists and a phantom named Bin Laden. Never mind that Bin Ladin was already found once and orders came from the higher ups not to touch him (See Blocking the Path to 911). So, why all the charades? I mean, the first time Bush found out about the hit on the two towers, he didn’t even look surprised. The CIA and the FBI both had information about those who were flying the planes, but did not do anything about it.

Of course later on when Bush came out and said “Mission accomplished” in regards to Iraq, we did not know what he was talking about. The bodies of American soldiers were still getting shipped home on a regular basis and the poor innocent Iraqi men, women and children continued to be killed and categorized under the margin of error. So, I believe what Georgie meant by “Mission accomplished” was that now, we are able to control Americans by allowing illegal searches, giving more power to the TSA and wiretapping anyone and everyone. I guess taking away the liberties of the American people falls under the Bush's motto of mission accomplished.

And now we have the trial of 911 attackers which President Obama had promised to be carried out in a civilian federal court. But what if the lawyers of the 911 attackers put up a good fight? What if the truth leaks out? No, we cannot have that. So, there we have it. A corporation backed congress, those who control America and the stupidity of some who support a military trial push to keep the truth from coming out. Perhaps as the world knows today that the Kennedy assassination was preplanned, the world will someday find the truth behind 911. However, by then, it would be too late as all the rights of Americans will be taken away.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


How can we defend human rights and women’s rights in Afghanistan when according to VFP (veterans for peace) and a new department of defense study, 1 in every 3 woman in US military is raped. In 2007, 10% of the rapes reported were army men. On October 13, 2009, a national campaign was launched in order to bring about the notion that what goes on in the military can no longer stay in the military.

It all started with a March in New York’s Time Square recruiting station when veterans for peace were chanting “STOP THE RAPE IN THE MILITARY.” US Army Col Ann Wright speaks out and introduces Staff Sgt. Sandra Lee who came out for the first time at a press conference to announce that she was raped twice while deployed in Iraq. You can watch her speak here and see other videos regarding this subject and what the U.S. military doesn’t want you to know - men are being raped as well.

Leah Bolger, another member of the VFP who was never sexually assaulted because of her rank in the army, says “when you’re an officer, your chances of getting raped is less than when you are a junior who is afraid to report the rape in fear of losing his/her job.” Unfortunately, recruiters aren’t warning the recruits that they have a 33% chance of being sexually assaulted when they join the U.S. army. VFP goes on further to say that to please tell the world that this is unacceptable and has got to stop.

Staff Sgt Sandra Lee has been threatened and booted to leave by the U.S. army under the terms other than “honorable discharge.” This is sad indeed and I wish more men and women would speak out about rape. The assaults are "dishonorable conduct" by army personnel and not the victims. No rank and no amount of money in the world are worth hiding such an important issue. These inexcusable sexual misconducts will continue as long as the voices of those who fight to protect our country are silenced by “our honorable U.S. army.”