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Showing posts with label freedom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label freedom. Show all posts

Friday, May 12, 2023

11th Annual Empty the Tanks Event


Just like us, all species want to be free. When we purchase tickets to aquariums, to swim with the dolphins, and to water parks or zoos, we are supporting venues that condemn creatures to a life in prison. The definition for a civilized society does not stop at human rights, but rather, it applies to the rights of all life-forms. 


Show dolphins, for example, are torn away from their families and their families are brutally slaughtered. They are kept in small tanks and starved until they learn a trick. Oftentimes, they bang their heads against the concrete walls where they are kept. So, before we ooh and aah when watching these silly shows, we must consider the inhumane way they are treated.

This weekend, May 13 and 14, is the 11th Annual Empty the Tanks Worldwide Event. People from all over the globe will say no to the dolphin show, and protest aquariums and the captivity industry. Here is an EVENT MAP to find an Empty the Tanks Worldwide Event near you. If you are unable to attend a public event, you can still participate by making a poster, or download one from HERE and post it to your social media, using the hashtags #SelfieForCetaceans and #EmptyTheTanks.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Military Trial vs. a Civilian Trial for the 911 Attackers

An Iranian once said to me, stop complaining. You're lucky to be living in America - the land of the free and I said, yes, but if we don't take care, we too will lose all of our freedoms.

After 9/11, many engineers said it was not possible for buildings to melt away the way they did during 9/11 (see this video). Many have said 9/11 was all preplanned (see this video). Of course, these claims are all filed under “conspiracy theory” in order to discredit the entire idea.

I guess what one needs to analyze is the aftermath of 9/11. Former President George Bush came out and said, “You are either with us or against us.” I don’t know about you, but to me that sounds like a speech given by Hitler. So, from that point on, no one dared to question the authorities. As a result, the Patriot act came about and soon Americans began to lose their constitutional rights. Bush went into Iraq, claiming “weapons of mass destruction” which were never found. And anyone who dared to question the ethics of this attack on innocent civilians would soon be labeled as “unpatriotic.” The media began advertising the word “Terrorism” and soon there was this fierce fear instilled in the average American. Not to mention the unfair treatment of the citizens of middle-east as they traveled each time through the hostile airports of western governments.

After Bush and his cronies painted their red mark on United States, President Obama took over and went into Afghanistan looking for terrorists and a phantom named Bin Laden. Never mind that Bin Ladin was already found once and orders came from the higher ups not to touch him (See Blocking the Path to 911). So, why all the charades? I mean, the first time Bush found out about the hit on the two towers, he didn’t even look surprised. The CIA and the FBI both had information about those who were flying the planes, but did not do anything about it.

Of course later on when Bush came out and said “Mission accomplished” in regards to Iraq, we did not know what he was talking about. The bodies of American soldiers were still getting shipped home on a regular basis and the poor innocent Iraqi men, women and children continued to be killed and categorized under the margin of error. So, I believe what Georgie meant by “Mission accomplished” was that now, we are able to control Americans by allowing illegal searches, giving more power to the TSA and wiretapping anyone and everyone. I guess taking away the liberties of the American people falls under the Bush's motto of mission accomplished.

And now we have the trial of 911 attackers which President Obama had promised to be carried out in a civilian federal court. But what if the lawyers of the 911 attackers put up a good fight? What if the truth leaks out? No, we cannot have that. So, there we have it. A corporation backed congress, those who control America and the stupidity of some who support a military trial push to keep the truth from coming out. Perhaps as the world knows today that the Kennedy assassination was preplanned, the world will someday find the truth behind 911. However, by then, it would be too late as all the rights of Americans will be taken away.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

"Cap and Tax" aka "Cap and Trade" Bill

On the surface, the cap and trade bill seems as though it’s an effort to tackle climate change but the legislation which is over 1000 pages long is filled with obscure language in order to confuse the politicians and the public. Waxman of California who rarely represents the needs of “Californians” told News Week: “Today we have taken decisive and historic action to promote America’s energy security and to create millions of clean energy jobs that will drive our economic recovery and long-term growth.” And to that I say, Mr. Waxman, did you read all 1000 pages? If not, please don’t speak.

The Cap and Trade Bill, as explained by Campaign for liberty, should be labeled as “Cap and Tax” and if passed, it will give our government unprecedented control over the private sector and our lives. They would be able to ask that you change the way you live by forcing you to use government-approved light bulbs, refrigerators, water heaters, toilets and etc. Then the government will send around federal officials into your homes to make sure you comply.

You may say, so what? It’s good for the environment. Bzzzz…It’s another way for the government to push for control of their citizens and residents. This Bill specifically authorizes intrusive home visits by the U.S government. They will enter your homes and snoop thorough your closets, basements, attics and everywhere else they want. Had Mr. Waxman of California bothered reading all 1000 pages of the obscure language on the bill, he would know that. Or perhaps he already knows but doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with the government sticking their nose into the average citizens’ business.

I mean really…do we need more threats to our liberties? As it is, we have the horrible Patriot act that we’re still trying to get rid of. So, please…please…speak up against this bill or soon we will have no liberties left.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Iranian Protest

I'm not surprised that Ahmadinejad won. It was to be expected just as it was expected when George W. Bush won when he ran against Al Gore. Except that good old Al should have fought harder but he didn't. Americans should have protested but they didn't. And so, we all lived under the Bush dictatorship for 8 years. Americans going about their day. Foreigners, scared to speak up in fear of getting kidnapped in the middle of the night and being shipped off to some secret prison and tortured by the likes of Rove, Chainey and Rumsfeld. What can I say? Life is unfair and I am politically incorrect. But writing is my only escape from this chaotic world.

I'm not sure what will be the outcome of the Iranian protests. I read a report by the Associated Press that one person has been killed and three injured. The Iranians are brave for getting on the street and fighting for justice. They are are tired and want their freedom and hopefully they will get it someday very soon.

As for me, I am not sure who I am anymore. Iranian? American? Does it matter? After all, we are all the same - human beings who love our families and want to live peaceful lives free of oppression and Tyranny.