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Showing posts with label Gerson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gerson. Show all posts

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Taking care of Mom

Photography by: Simon Howden

It’s cool and dreary outside. I have a perfect view of a green shrubbery and the breeze that rocks the ferns. My mom just spilled carrot juice all over the walls and the beige carpet in her bedroom. I can hear her talking to the housekeeper from my home office. She keeps apologizing to Aide – Sorry, I don’t know what happened. Aide says, “It’s okay,” but the expression on her face earlier as she passed by my office with a bucket of soap and water, brush and towels, told me otherwise. You see, carrot juice is nearly impossible to get out. I should know. My white shirts have many orange spots from all the juices I have made my mother since I’ve been back from the hospital.

After weeks of coming back from the Gerson Institute and spending many sleepless nights, I was finally able to find part-time help. Taking care of a cancer patient is really tough. Sometimes I want to give-up but I know that I can’t. My family has been helping me a little. You’d be amazed how much that little bit helps. If I didn’t have that, I would for sure go completely crazy. And my friends have been great. They have been calling me just to chat and to keep me sane. We’ve been out a few times for dinner.

Ever since my mom has gotten sick, my days have become monotonous. I get up before Dawn, prepare her coffee and tea enema, make her apple juice, fix an oatmeal breakfast, wake my mom up and go take a shower. I would give anything for a day when I could just sleep in or for a day when I have absolutely nothing to do except to take a day trip to San Diego or Santa Barbara. For now those days are gone. So I try to look at things from a positive angle in order to prevent myself from falling into depression.

On the positive side, after all the efforts that I have put in, my mom’s health has improved tremendously. We’re both eating healthier and I have gained knowledge about how to prevent diseases. In fact, the information I have learned is going to help me with my third book.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Gerson Institute

Photograph by: jscreationzs

I spent three weeks with my mom at The Gerson Institute in Mexico. Our experiences have been amazing and hard to explain in one blog post. But because all that I have learned will be helpful to many with cancer and other diseases, I'll give a short version for now. We learned that cancer is curable without drugs, chemo or surgery. In fact, the majority of diseases are curable without putting unnecessary chemicals in your body. My mom’s cancer therapy has been intense physically, psychologically and emotionally. Before agreeing to accompany my mother there, I had no idea about the many difficulties and obstacles I would face. I just thought it’s simply a nutritional therapy. How difficult can that possibly be? Boy, was I wrong!

Saying that the Gerson therapy is labor intensive would be an understatement. On the positive side, they have a 100% success rate as long you follow their program, never modify it and do exactly as they tell you. Before going to Gerson, my brother did a lot of research regarding their program and forwarded his findings to me. After watching documentary after documentary of recovering patients, I soon became convinced that their program works. Up to date, I have seen slow and steady improvements in my mom’s health.

The toughest part about coming back home has been dealing with doctors who don’t understand the Gerson program and make every possible effort to force you to do things their way. Even some friends and family members criticize you. I just tell them to do their own research about Gerson, and then come and talk to me. But they continue to offer their unwanted advice because they’re either too lazy to learn, or because they have been brain washed by the faulty information fed to them their entire lives.

If any of you are interested in learning more about how to survive cancer and other diseases without chemicals and surgery, you may visit I’m planning to continue blogging when possible. As most of you know, I’m still taking care of my mom and my time is very limited. So, Please be patient with me.