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Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Election 2024

I'm not a feminist. I'm all for equal pay, and equal rights for everyone. I believe we should continue to work together towards women's rights so that someday, women and men may be on equal footing. But I will not vote for someone just because she is a woman.

I have no problem voting for someone, regardless of gender, or race, if the person is qualified for the job. When Hilary ran, I didn't vote for her because, although qualified, I thought that she cheated Bernie, and was dishonest in so many other ways such as the Benghazi coverup. And that could be said about many politicians, but there is a limit, even in political dishonesty. This election, I will not vote for Kamala Harris. I feel that she is being forced upon us because she is malleable. She doesn't have the inner strength to stand up against AIPAC. We need someone who will give the middle finger to AIPAC. It is unconscionable for me to support anyone who supports genocide, murder of children, annihilation of an entire race, and rape of prisoners.


And don't even get me started with the republican party candidate who is out to lunch. Trumpet has zero understanding of the needs of the general population. And what amazes me is that many people who live in poverty are willing to vote for him. People whose children are in the military and call themselves "patriot," are willing to sacrifice their offspring's lives, not to protect the country, but to protect the profits of companies who could care less about the 18-year-olds sent to the front lines. And finally, I'm flabbergasted that there are women out there who support a man who wants to make decisions about women's reproductive system, and what she is allowed and not allowed to do when her life is in jeopardy, or when she is assaulted.

Both Kamala and Trumpet are being shoved down our throats, leaving a bitter nasty taste in our mouths. Trumpet has the conglomerates behind him, and Kamala is there by default. If people knew that Biden was frail and his memory was failing more than a year ago, why wouldn't the government know? I think that the government waited on purpose until the last minute to make the switch, so that it would be too late for other candidates to participate, and the process could be labeled "constitutional." 

Anyway, that's my two cents about the 2024 elections. I refuse to vote for the lesser of the two evils. I say no to Trumpet, because besides the so many things wrong with the guy, he also causes a massive rift both nationally, and internationally. And I say no to Kamala, because although she is well-educated, she is just an extension of the status quo, and the status quo is in desperate need of a change. We must end AIPAC's influence, otherwise we will be nothing but slaves for the rest of our lives. AIPAC represents corrupt money and acquisition of power through any means necessary, including shooting toddlers in the head, and assassinating a pregnant doctor carrying twins. And when they kill children and civilians without an ounce of remorse, they become a major threat to society, an uncontrollable monster, impossible to subdue.


(photo credit from top to bottom: Linda Eller-Shein, freepik, Pixawl, Kennedy Kaunda, mikemike09.) 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


There is no Death

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.

-Aristotle Onassis

(photo by: CDD20)

From a young age, we are taught about the physical body, the aging of the body, and the finality of death. Not our parents, not our schooling, and not organized religions teach us much about the consciousness, and how we are connected regardless of nationality, religion, race, and gender. We don't really comprehend the concept of time, and that time does not exist. At school, they don't teach us the most important lessons about life. They feed us a mandatory curriculum, expect us to memorize it, and spit it out. If we discuss anything that is outside of society's belief system, we are permanently labeled a kook.

But throughout my life, I have learned to question everything. And I'm not posting here to change anyone's perspective. I just want to share what I have learned, and that which makes more sense to me than anything I have ever been taught by my parents, family, friends, teachers, the so-called religious scholars, and the government.


I used to believe that death was the end. I didn't believe in heaven, hell, and etc. I also didn't believe in near death experiences because they were often tied to religion. However, for quite some time, I've been hearing from trustworthy people that there is no death. I posted a video of Anita Moorjani awhile back, and here, I'm posting a more in-depth interview with her (highly recommended). She was dying from cancer, went into coma, and chose to come back to share her experience, and teach us about life. 

(Photo by: Croma Concepto Visual)

Anita says that there is no death, we need to let go of our fears, and find our purpose in life. The most important value is self-love, because we cannot deeply love anyone without loving ourselves first.

At the Ce-5 conference, Dr. Greer said that he too had a near death experience which made him realize that there is no death. He also said that he had a vision of his purpose in life and who he was going to marry. 

Dr. Greer talked about different states of consciousness. He said that at the time of your passing, you don't just drop and die, you don't go to some void of blackness, and start all over again. You retain your memories, knowledge, and whatever you attained, and evolve from there. 

(Photo by: John Hain)

As I listened to different people say that there is no death, I wondered if I knew this before losing some of the people I cared about in my life, would I have felt less pain? I'm not sure. Eons ago, I asked my mom, "Why do people cry when someone dies? She said, "Bah, what a thing to ask. When someone dies, you can no longer see or spend time with them. You miss them." So, even when knowing that death does not exist, we may still mourn a loss because we would no longer be able to spend time with or see them.

(Photo by: CDD20)

But here's the thing. There are instances when I have dreams about the people I lost in my life. They sometimes talk to me, and at other times, they don't say much in my dreams. Either way, I'm just glad to see them visiting me. And when I am super relaxed, and have complete awareness while awake, I feel their presence, and hear them communicating with me. I talked about things that we cannot explain in another post, but I didn't get into this detail, among many other things...

(Photo by: Geralt)

Anyhow, to wrap things up, when it's our time to go, we shed our physical body, and evolve into a different level of consciousness. There is no death. According to DR. Greer, we go on forever. There is no ending in time. We attain each and every one of these states of consciousness. And as we elevate the consciousness, we elevate those around us, and the world around us.

(photo by: Geralt)
 We are part of one big whole, intricately connected in ways we can't imagine.
-Anita Moorjani

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Chasing UFOs Part III 

All of us have the innate ability to remote view, according to Dr. Steven Greer. Some people are naturally better at it than the rest of us. Everyone can learn this through practice, and Lori Williams was at the conference to show us how. On her website, she has links to her basic to advance online classes, teaching you how to describe any location, person, or thing through controlled remote viewing. All knowledge is available to you through the subconscious mind, she says. (Photo Credit: CDD20, Shanghai, China)

A few months before the conference, I tried this exercise by rewatching Dr. Greer's video, but I wasn't any good at it. I was probably not doing it right. My brother put an object in a box. I tried to remote view it, and figure out what it was.Three months later, I gave up and guessed that it was a hairbrush. He said no, it was a pen. But, what I learned during Lori's lecture was to not be specific about an object or a space, and instead describe it. So, had I told my brother that it was something long with a smooth surface and some ridges, I would have been more accurate.
(Photo Credit: Dapple Designers)

In Lori's controlled remote viewing lecture, before we got to see the above photo, we had to remote view it through a series of written exercises, enneagrams, and assigned numbers. One of things that I wrote down to describe it was speed and motion, which wasn't too bad for a beginner like me because the horse and the rider represented speed and motion. So, what did this lecture have to do with a UFO conference? Well, it's a great way to connect with the consciousness, and know things. 

Lori talked about enneagrams - assigning symbols to describe things, because the subconscious mind can pick up images better (your symbol can be really simple such as a tiny drawing of a wave to represent the sea, or a few upward strokes to represent grass). She said that once you write down your symbols, you touch them to see how they feel to you: rough? Smooth? Sad? angry? I wasn't able to find a full demo of her work online. And since there are various techniques taught by different people to remote view, you may want to check out Brett Stuart's Video. He does a decent demonstration. Try his exercise at home, and see if you can remote view his photo. I liked Lori's method, and I may take a basic course from her in the future. 

The set up of the outdoor event. We had to wait until sundown to meditate. The beeping noise you hear  was to let the ETs know that we were there, and to invite them. There were a lot of special equipment to distinguish sounds, and the difference between satellites, air travel from the airport, and actual ET craft. Some people had special cameras and had downloaded various APs and maps. I'll get into equipment, gadgets, and APs in my next post because that was covered on the third day of the conference.

The above video is a sample Sanskrit Puja. We were warned that once the Puja starts, no one will be allowed in, and that they would have to wait until the Puja was over. Puja is an offering to a deity or guest, in this case, it was an offering to welcome the ETs. As I have said in the past, I'm not religious or part of anything organized. Dr. Greer practices Hindu meditation, and has a ritual before he goes into deep mediation. I don't think that most people understand or are able to repeat the wording of the Puja as he recites it. He said that the vibration coming from the words that he utters is what matters (I have heard this before from other meditation instructors). Dr. Greer said that you can use his technique and make it your own, or do what works best for you. You are not limited to the way he does things. If you have found a better way to connect to the consciousness, and the ETs, you should do it. 

This was a picture of a UFO someone took with their cellphone. I circled it so that you can see it better. There were a lot more sightings that night as objects appeared and disappeared in the sky. Apparently, when they look faint, it is because the craft could be 98% in another dimension, and just show themselves to us by a small percentage. Also, our group was too large. I have heard that people have done a one week small group excursion with Dr. Greer, and they have seen massive crafts, sometimes in a triangular or elongated shape, and they have had an actual encounter with an ET such as the ET touching their shoulder. Interestingly, whenever he forms groups of people, he attracts a lot of military presence. The night we were out, there were government surveillance flying above us. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024


Chasing UFOs Part II


The first  evening for CE-5 contact was a two hour lecture in the Callaway vineyard and winery.

I registered and received several free products, including a badge which I had to wear at all times, and a CE-5 mug that I really like. I have gone through one of the videos, but still need to read his books.


While I waited for the lecture to begin, I went outside to take a few pictures and videos. When I had a look at the above video today, I got myself a big surprise. There is a blue object moving in front of my camera. I have no idea what that is. I have to verify it before I can tell you what it is. It's not laser because no one was carrying lasers until the second night when we meditated outdoors. And at the time of filming, there was no one around me. I had waited for people to clear out before I took this shot. So, your guess is as good as mine. I will update this as soon as I can make sense of it.

I took the above video to show how there was a big old line to get inside. I pretty much stood aside until the crowd had dissipated before going in. But here is that blue object again in my second video, towards the end.

Update: I asked around and no one seems to know anything about the blue light. Some found it interesting. Kenny, a Facebook friend, said that it looks like a lens flare from the sun. So, there you have it. 

The place set up for Dr. Greer's lecture was hot with minimum air conditioning, and packed with people sitting on uncomfortable chairs. I took an end chair, and started chatting with this nice older guy. He was funny, but he too found the whole set up uncomfortable.

A photo of Dr. Steven Greer lecturing. He is the founder of CESTI, Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial intelligence. Sorry about the terrible blurry pix. I was too far away, my phone is old, and I seriously need to take a photography class. Towards the end we all meditated.  


(Photo Credit: Noelle Otto)

The only Journey is the one within. 

-Rainer Maria Rilke


Extraterrestrials are real and they are all around us. To feel or see them, we need to connect with the consciousness. According to Dr. Steven Greer, the biggest secret in the world is ET and governments try to hide it by discrediting or threatening people. It is through the practice of meditation, letting go of the fear of the unknown, and keeping an open mind that we get better at communicating with ETs.

People say, I don't have time for this, and I have my own problems to deal with. But the thing is, we are all part of the consciousness. If the consciousness is troubled, we are all troubled. Fifteen minutes of daily meditation would improve the consciousness.

We don't need any special equipment that you see in the movies, such as the one in the film Contact, to connect with ETs. You can communicate with them through the consciousness.

Governments have developed the technology to track and knock down ET vehicles. They have learned from ET technology, and use it to make crafts to abduct people, and scare them. Cattle mutilation is done by humans, and most crop circles are manmade. So, why would the government do this? They do it for profit and to control the population.

Imagine a world where oil, gas, electricity, nuclear power, jet and internal combustion engines, rockets, missiles and so on become obsolete. Imagine a world where medicine is so advanced that people can easily be healed, and wars and poverty will end. We can have that today. But there are mega corporations that have been suppressing our technology since Nikola Tesla, and want to keep the status quo. They want to continue pocketing as much resources as possible. 

There is a parallel government within the governments made up of sociopaths and psychopaths who run the illegal black ops. When someone comes up with a better technology, they buy their patent or threaten them under the pretext of national security. 

Who belongs to these black ops? Anyone who is compliant and is willing to play the game. Even the President, Congress, the Pentagon, the Head of Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA director, and others in power are kept in the dark when it comes to ETs. The job of those who are in black ops are compartmentalized, meaning, a person from one department has no clue as to what the person in another department is doing. 

Dr. Greer is bringing all of this out in the open. He is risking his life, and asking everyone to help change things. He has spoken in front of United States congressional committee, and has been invited by many governments to enlighten them as to what is really going on. 

One thing to realize is that ETs are not hostile or they could have easily gotten rid of us long ago when we knocked down their first ship. The advance technology that we use to destroy our world is now being exported to space to control other worlds, and the ETs are nervous because we are a threat to them. If we continue in our path, at some point, the extraterrestrials will need to defend themselves. So, it's crucial to let them know that most of us are friendly, and want peace.

Thursday, August 1, 2024


Just Be

I've been tired since the CE-5 Protocol conference, and sleeping a lot. It was an intense gathering with a lot of information fed to us in a short amount of time. My brain is still working on digesting it all. I didn't take notes. They said that there was no need. They were going to record everything, and make it available to us for two months. I just found out that the recordings will not be available until after August 8. And I've been contemplating if I should write anything here. I think I can cover the first day, Friday, July 26, which was a two-hour lecture. I've been working on it, and will be posting it soon. As for the rest, I'll have to wait until After August 8.


As I packed for last weekend, I kept thinking about what else I needed to take. How will things turn out. I was anxious, dwelling on the unknowns. Then on my way over, everything went wrong, and it even got worse, when I got to the B&B. My laptop locked me out, I couldn't get into my email, my phone was almost dead, and all I wanted to do was yell bloody hell. But I had a commitment to show up for the lecture, and there was a short window left for me to register. The problem was, my car needed fuel which meant the possibility of me showing up too late. No choice. So, after Google map took me round and round because I refused to drive on dirt roads, I landed at a gas station, filled up, and took off. 


I made it, registered, and went in to listen to Steven Greer for two hours. This trip taught me about myself. I should have started off more relaxed, and just let life do its thing. Because all I can do is to plan, but I have no control over anything else. Things may go wrong, specially in L.A's traffic, and I must accept that. I mean, I survived even if everything did not go my way.

And this brings me to this point. We're often concerned about how things will turn out, and what if this or what if that. But often, none of the what if this or that happens. When we were four or five, we never gave things a second thought. What if we just let life happen. Maybe, the more we relax, the better things will turn out. By thinking about what ifs, we miss out on being in the moment, and preventing the flow of good energy. We should become that five-year-old who runs around in circles, and is happy-go-lucky. And perhaps then, things will happen in the direction we want to go.