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Showing posts with label consciousness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label consciousness. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


There is no Death

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.

-Aristotle Onassis

(photo by: CDD20)

From a young age, we are taught about the physical body, the aging of the body, and the finality of death. Not our parents, not our schooling, and not organized religions teach us much about the consciousness, and how we are connected regardless of nationality, religion, race, and gender. We don't really comprehend the concept of time, and that time does not exist. At school, they don't teach us the most important lessons about life. They feed us a mandatory curriculum, expect us to memorize it, and spit it out. If we discuss anything that is outside of society's belief system, we are permanently labeled a kook.

But throughout my life, I have learned to question everything. And I'm not posting here to change anyone's perspective. I just want to share what I have learned, and that which makes more sense to me than anything I have ever been taught by my parents, family, friends, teachers, the so-called religious scholars, and the government.


I used to believe that death was the end. I didn't believe in heaven, hell, and etc. I also didn't believe in near death experiences because they were often tied to religion. However, for quite some time, I've been hearing from trustworthy people that there is no death. I posted a video of Anita Moorjani awhile back, and here, I'm posting a more in-depth interview with her (highly recommended). She was dying from cancer, went into coma, and chose to come back to share her experience, and teach us about life. 

(Photo by: Croma Concepto Visual)

Anita says that there is no death, we need to let go of our fears, and find our purpose in life. The most important value is self-love, because we cannot deeply love anyone without loving ourselves first.

At the Ce-5 conference, Dr. Greer said that he too had a near death experience which made him realize that there is no death. He also said that he had a vision of his purpose in life and who he was going to marry. 

Dr. Greer talked about different states of consciousness. He said that at the time of your passing, you don't just drop and die, you don't go to some void of blackness, and start all over again. You retain your memories, knowledge, and whatever you attained, and evolve from there. 

(Photo by: John Hain)

As I listened to different people say that there is no death, I wondered if I knew this before losing some of the people I cared about in my life, would I have felt less pain? I'm not sure. Eons ago, I asked my mom, "Why do people cry when someone dies? She said, "Bah, what a thing to ask. When someone dies, you can no longer see or spend time with them. You miss them." So, even when knowing that death does not exist, we may still mourn a loss because we would no longer be able to spend time with or see them.

(Photo by: CDD20)

But here's the thing. There are instances when I have dreams about the people I lost in my life. They sometimes talk to me, and at other times, they don't say much in my dreams. Either way, I'm just glad to see them visiting me. And when I am super relaxed, and have complete awareness while awake, I feel their presence, and hear them communicating with me. I talked about things that we cannot explain in another post, but I didn't get into this detail, among many other things...

(Photo by: Geralt)

Anyhow, to wrap things up, when it's our time to go, we shed our physical body, and evolve into a different level of consciousness. There is no death. According to DR. Greer, we go on forever. There is no ending in time. We attain each and every one of these states of consciousness. And as we elevate the consciousness, we elevate those around us, and the world around us.

(photo by: Geralt)
 We are part of one big whole, intricately connected in ways we can't imagine.
-Anita Moorjani

Tuesday, August 6, 2024


Chasing UFOs Part II


The first  evening for CE-5 contact was a two hour lecture in the Callaway vineyard and winery.

I registered and received several free products, including a badge which I had to wear at all times, and a CE-5 mug that I really like. I have gone through one of the videos, but still need to read his books.


While I waited for the lecture to begin, I went outside to take a few pictures and videos. When I had a look at the above video today, I got myself a big surprise. There is a blue object moving in front of my camera. I have no idea what that is. I have to verify it before I can tell you what it is. It's not laser because no one was carrying lasers until the second night when we meditated outdoors. And at the time of filming, there was no one around me. I had waited for people to clear out before I took this shot. So, your guess is as good as mine. I will update this as soon as I can make sense of it.

I took the above video to show how there was a big old line to get inside. I pretty much stood aside until the crowd had dissipated before going in. But here is that blue object again in my second video, towards the end.

Update: I asked around and no one seems to know anything about the blue light. Some found it interesting. Kenny, a Facebook friend, said that it looks like a lens flare from the sun. So, there you have it. 

The place set up for Dr. Greer's lecture was hot with minimum air conditioning, and packed with people sitting on uncomfortable chairs. I took an end chair, and started chatting with this nice older guy. He was funny, but he too found the whole set up uncomfortable.

A photo of Dr. Steven Greer lecturing. He is the founder of CESTI, Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial intelligence. Sorry about the terrible blurry pix. I was too far away, my phone is old, and I seriously need to take a photography class. Towards the end we all meditated.  


(Photo Credit: Noelle Otto)

The only Journey is the one within. 

-Rainer Maria Rilke


Extraterrestrials are real and they are all around us. To feel or see them, we need to connect with the consciousness. According to Dr. Steven Greer, the biggest secret in the world is ET and governments try to hide it by discrediting or threatening people. It is through the practice of meditation, letting go of the fear of the unknown, and keeping an open mind that we get better at communicating with ETs.

People say, I don't have time for this, and I have my own problems to deal with. But the thing is, we are all part of the consciousness. If the consciousness is troubled, we are all troubled. Fifteen minutes of daily meditation would improve the consciousness.

We don't need any special equipment that you see in the movies, such as the one in the film Contact, to connect with ETs. You can communicate with them through the consciousness.

Governments have developed the technology to track and knock down ET vehicles. They have learned from ET technology, and use it to make crafts to abduct people, and scare them. Cattle mutilation is done by humans, and most crop circles are manmade. So, why would the government do this? They do it for profit and to control the population.

Imagine a world where oil, gas, electricity, nuclear power, jet and internal combustion engines, rockets, missiles and so on become obsolete. Imagine a world where medicine is so advanced that people can easily be healed, and wars and poverty will end. We can have that today. But there are mega corporations that have been suppressing our technology since Nikola Tesla, and want to keep the status quo. They want to continue pocketing as much resources as possible. 

There is a parallel government within the governments made up of sociopaths and psychopaths who run the illegal black ops. When someone comes up with a better technology, they buy their patent or threaten them under the pretext of national security. 

Who belongs to these black ops? Anyone who is compliant and is willing to play the game. Even the President, Congress, the Pentagon, the Head of Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA director, and others in power are kept in the dark when it comes to ETs. The job of those who are in black ops are compartmentalized, meaning, a person from one department has no clue as to what the person in another department is doing. 

Dr. Greer is bringing all of this out in the open. He is risking his life, and asking everyone to help change things. He has spoken in front of United States congressional committee, and has been invited by many governments to enlighten them as to what is really going on. 

One thing to realize is that ETs are not hostile or they could have easily gotten rid of us long ago when we knocked down their first ship. The advance technology that we use to destroy our world is now being exported to space to control other worlds, and the ETs are nervous because we are a threat to them. If we continue in our path, at some point, the extraterrestrials will need to defend themselves. So, it's crucial to let them know that most of us are friendly, and want peace.