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Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Election 2024

I'm not a feminist. I'm all for equal pay, and equal rights for everyone. I believe we should continue to work together towards women's rights so that someday, women and men may be on equal footing. But I will not vote for someone just because she is a woman.

I have no problem voting for someone, regardless of gender, or race, if the person is qualified for the job. When Hilary ran, I didn't vote for her because, although qualified, I thought that she cheated Bernie, and was dishonest in so many other ways such as the Benghazi coverup. And that could be said about many politicians, but there is a limit, even in political dishonesty. This election, I will not vote for Kamala Harris. I feel that she is being forced upon us because she is malleable. She doesn't have the inner strength to stand up against AIPAC. We need someone who will give the middle finger to AIPAC. It is unconscionable for me to support anyone who supports genocide, murder of children, annihilation of an entire race, and rape of prisoners.


And don't even get me started with the republican party candidate who is out to lunch. Trumpet has zero understanding of the needs of the general population. And what amazes me is that many people who live in poverty are willing to vote for him. People whose children are in the military and call themselves "patriot," are willing to sacrifice their offspring's lives, not to protect the country, but to protect the profits of companies who could care care less about the 18-year-olds sent to the front lines. And finally, I'm flabbergasted that there are women out there who support a man who wants to make decisions about women's reproductive system, and what she is allowed and not allowed to do when her life is in jeopardy, or when she is assaulted.

Both Kamala and Trumpet are being shoved down our throats, leaving a bitter nasty taste in our mouths. Trumpet has the conglomerates behind him, and Kamala is there by default. If people knew that Biden was frail and his memory was failing more than a year ago, why wouldn't the government know? I think that the government waited on purpose until the last minute to make the switch, so that it would be too late for other candidates to participate, and the process could be labeled "constitutional." 

Anyway, that's my two cents about the 2024 elections. I refuse to vote for the lesser of the two evils. I say no to Trumpet, because besides the so many things wrong with the guy, he also causes a massive rift both nationally, and internationally. And I say no to Kamala, because although she is well-educated, she is just an extension of the status quo, and the status quo is in desperate need of a change. We must end AIPAC's influence, otherwise we will be nothing but slaves for the rest of our lives. AIPAC represents corrupt money and acquisition of power through any means necessary, including shooting toddlers in the head, and assassinating a pregnant doctor carrying twins. And when they kill children and civilians without an ounce of remorse, they become a major threat to society, an uncontrollable monster, impossible to subdue.


(photo credit from top to bottom: Linda Eller-Shein, freepik, Pixawl, Kennedy Kaunda, mikemike09.)