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Showing posts with label unexplained. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unexplained. Show all posts

Monday, October 9, 2023

Things we cannot explain

Perhaps some of you have changed from five to ten to fifteen years ago. I know I have. As I learn about my strengths and weaknesses, I try to see the areas of my life that could stand improvement. Long ago, I began on a journey about life and why we are here. I still don’t have the answers, but by putting my trust in meditation experts, my philosophy about life has changed a bit. They say that there are lessons we need to learn during our lifetime, and if we don’t learn them, we keep coming back until we do. So, each of us has a different journey, depending on what we have learned in the past.

This may be a strange topic for some of you. There are probably plenty of people who don’t agree with me, and I’m okay with that. But I have had a lot of strange things happen in my life, and they are still happening as I write this, because I have learned to pay attention. Things for which I have no explanation. I’m not a religious person, but I am a spiritual person. I wasn’t always spiritual, especially right after my mom passed away. I thought this is it, and there is nothing else after that. But throughout the years, after she and my dad passed away, I felt them in my heart. So, I have started to question everything. I believe that we are all connected through energy and we have the capability to communicate with each other without speaking. Telepaths have figured out how to do this, and the rest of us have not. There are moments in everyone’s lives when something happens and two people look at each other and communicate what they’re thinking without talking. Governments use telepaths to snoop on other governments, and the police department hires psychics to help them out with a crime. This has led me to believe that it’s not all Mombo Jumbo.

Governments and the media used to make every possible effort to make UFO believers look like they were crazy. UFO, and other lifeforms do exist as you have seen it on the news lately. The government now calls it UAP—Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena. And by the way, we are more of a threat to them, and to ourselves, than they are to us. Our intelligence and capabilities are miniscule compared to theirs. They could have easily gotten rid of us long ago, if they wanted to.

Ghosts exist. I was once on a tour and a guide pointed at a house and told us that no one is allowed to go in there because several people who were doing construction on the house were pushed off the staircase by a bitter ghost and died. Other dimensions exist, and we can learn a lot about our dreams (see the video below). To learn about anything, it’s important to keep an open mind. After watching Anita Moorjani’s honest recount (see the above video, highly recommended), I no longer believe that when we die, everything ends for us. Anita Moorjani is the real deal. She has traveled everywhere and given many interviews and lectures. I wish that I had paid more attention to her message before my mom passed away. Just because we cannot see and touch things with our physical bodies, it doesn’t mean that they do not exist. It took me awhile, but I have learned to trust my feelings, my intuition, and my heart to guide me.