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Showing posts with label revolution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label revolution. Show all posts

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The preplanned revolutions of the middle-east and the end of democracy

One would have to be incredibly naïve to believe that the protests in Tunisia, Yemen, Egypt and Jordan are mainly due to economy and “people power,” and the trickle effect of “oh it all started with the Tunisian and now other middle-eastern countries are following suit.” Of course, I was once part of the naïve crowd who believed in the power of people but as I see with my own eyes that the last of the last democracies crumpling in the United Corporate of America, I make myself sit back, analyze and question all the information presented by the media.

Today, revolutions are pre-planned. Georgia's rose revolution and Ukraine's orange revolution was organized by a billionaire living in the U.S. Chaos is created, dictators are removed and installed, religious governments are supported and highly tolerated and democracy has lost its meaning and value. You don’t believe me? Here are a few examples. Americans did not want a war in Iraq. Americans want out of Afghanistan. Majority of Americans are against America’s support of the settlements in Israel. Americans hate Monsanto because Monsanto is corrupt. They want the Fed to be audited because the fed is not “federal.” They are bunch of foreign bankers who don’t give a s--- about anything except their pockets. But none of these matter. Because America is no longer a government by the people for the people. 

I find it Ironic when Obama, Hilary, Kerry and Merkel tell Egypt not to harm protesters when at the 2009 G20 Summit in pittsburgh, American police attacked and harmed the protesters.

So, getting back to what’s going on in the middle-east. There are several things that will happen in Tunisia, Egypt and wherever else these revolutions are preplanned.

1. These countries will be left in chaos or

2. A military state will be formed or

3. Another dictator controlled by the powerful forces will be installed or

4. An Islamic government will be formed, but

5. True democracy will not take place.

Below are some links to open up your minds to see these revolutions for what they truly are – a creation of those behind the scene who will benefit immensely from people’s sufferings. And please be smart and do not point the fingers just at the U.S. Those who control our world today come from all walks of life and they dictate how things should run. They come from many nations and not just one nation! From north to south and east to west, many leaders are under their control and are told what to say and do. Right now, the average person does not know which direction Tunisia and Egypt (and perhaps Yemen and Jordan) will go, but those who instigated these revolutions have a precise plan for these countries and those plans do not include democracy. 

What's Next for Tunisia? (we don't know but they sure do)

President Obama, say the 'D-Word'(say what? We're even starting to lose the "illusion" of democracy in America. What makes you think you will have it better?)

GOP pushing for ISPs to record user data (what happened to the Constitution?)

Friday, June 19, 2009


The Arab governments which include countries such as Saudi Arabia are watching Iran, scared of a revolution coming their way. Many of their activists are looking closely as well, wondering about the outcome of millions of people gathering in Tehran, Isfahan, Ahwaz, Shiraz, Gorgan, Tabriz, Rasht, Babol, Mashhad, Zahedan, Qazvin, Sari, Karaj, Shahsavar, Orumieh, Bandar Abbas, Arak, and Birjend.

In order for anything to change, there must be risk. People like me who are afraid of taking certain risks will live under oppression for the rest of their lives. It is the braves of the world who pave the way for the rest of us cowards. They risk getting tortured and killed so that the generations ahead of them can live a better life. As Martin Luther King Junior put it - Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.

In Iran, many students have been shot to death. The numbers have not yet come out because the foreign media has been barred from reporting on the Iranian revolution. And since they cannot verify the numbers, they are unable to report it. I watched a video showing a man who got shot. Blood was gushing out of his wound and someone else was trying to get the bullet out of him with his fingers. Iranian hospitals are full. Even the military hospitals where the ambulances are supposed to take the injured protesters to be healed and punished later are full. Obviously, the death toll is well over the 7 people that were previously reported.

Iranian authorities have broken into activists’ homes and work, confiscated their properties and broken their computers and other belongings. They have arrested foreign ambassadors and reformists and have threatened websites that report the news on Iran. I guess what I don’t understand is why is the Iranian government holding everyone else responsible but not themselves. And why are they angry at the rest of the world for reporting the news? Reporters are simply doing their job – covering the news. They have done nothing wrong. The news is coming out and people are curious to read and watch it.

This revolution is not about foreign governments interfering with the Iranian government but rather it is about the will of people against the will of a government that refuses to annul the previous election and start fresh.