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Showing posts with label carefree. Show all posts
Showing posts with label carefree. Show all posts

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Nostalgia of carefree lazy days

Photo contributor: Rosemary Ratcliff

Today was neither a good day nor a bad day. It was just a day. A day to reflect on life, love, family, work, leisure time and being just lazy. I haven’t had any lazy days lately – no time for it. Although I have had lazy moments, but it’s not easy to enjoy lazy moments because I keep looking at the clock to see how much time I have left before my next task. I find that the older I get, the more complicated life gets, especially since my elders, once middle-aged are now moving into a the senior citizen category with aches and pains and many complaints. As I watch them complain, I often wonder about my own mortality. Will I become like them? How much life I have left ahead of me and will it be a quality life or will I end up in some nursing home?

When I was a child, these thoughts never even entered my mind. I used to watch my grandmother write and recite poetry, sew and Iron. Sometimes when she didn’t feel well, she’d sit in a squatting position. “What’s the matter with grandma?” I’d ask my mom. “Her stomach is bothering her,” my mom would answer. And perhaps I felt bad for a minute before my brother would whisk me off to play hide and seek. I was completely in a different world, oblivious to life’s tragedies and disappointments until after college when I was running a retail store and the responsibilities kept piling up.

And responsibilities don’t always bother me. I like being busy and having lots to do, but I also enjoy having quiet time. So here I am today missing my carefree days and wondering if I will get them back.