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Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Another Birthday

It turns out that I'm not so special and unique after all. I have met many people who have the same birthday as me. I guess you could say that they were my long-lost twins until I met them. My roommate in college, my former personal trainer and his brother, the hostess who recently greeted me at a restaurant in the Marina, my sister-in-law’s cousin, and my cousin’s fiancĂ© and his brother, were all born on the same day as me. 


I’m guessing as I go through life, I will meet many more people with the same birthday. But alas, here I am going through yet another year. And not to sound morbid, but I am grateful for being alive. Many people much younger than me have passed away this year.


That’s why I want to live life to the fullest, and experience as much as I can. I know that there will be more offbeat days to come, but if I didn’t have days like that, I wouldn’t appreciate all the fantastic days. Anyhow, below are a few photos from one of my outings.

I arrived in the afternoon. Everyone had been waiting for me because my niece had put a note on this brownie that said - do not eat, but they all wanted to eat it (this reminded me of the episode of Three's company when Chrissy ate Jack's pie by accident). So, my brother rushed me to cut a piece so that he could get his piece. That is why you see a missing piece before I could take a photo. Ameh means auntie in Farsi.
A bunch of us went to The Landing in Westlake.

Tavalodet Mobarak means Happy Birthday in Farsi.

Friday, April 19, 2024

White Harte Pub and Planta Cocina

Ellie had been complaining for months about her MCAT exam. Between her long work hours, her boyfriend, and studying, things were starting to get to her. And it was understandable. The MCAT is an eight hours long exam with only a 30 minute lunch break. So, her brain was fried. Her stress even wore down her boyfriend, and when she was done, he was exhausted as well. After it was over, she and her guy went out, and got blitzed.

The next day, she wanted to celebrate with me. So, we went to her favorite pub, White Harte Pub in the valley, and had drinks.

The second celebration will be tomorrow. I’m taking my friend out to dinner to Planta Cocina in Marina Del Rey to celebrate her birthday.

I’ve already been here before. Their vegan sushi is yum. I have had vegan sushi in the past, but so far, this place tops them all. Here are some photos from the last time I was there. It’s a fun place to just kick it for a few hours, and perhaps even go for a long stroll before or after dinner. If you decide to go, you may want to skip their unmemorable drinks, and opt for wine or beer.

Dragon roll
Crispy rice – a popular dish.
Drinks – can’t even remember what we had, but it basically had no flavor, no alcohol, and tasted like water mixed with sugar.
Croquetas – so so. I didn’t care for the texture
1,000 Layer Crispy Potatoes
Truffle Kamameshi – yum. 

Maitake mushrooms (excellent)

Unagi Eggplant Nigri (excellent)
And let’s not forget views, views, and views…