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Showing posts with label Meet at Paris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meet at Paris. Show all posts

Friday, June 23, 2023

Meet at Paris

We celebrated my cousin’s birthday at Meet at Paris in Culver City. The above key chain is a souvenir my niece brought me from her trip to Paris a few weeks ago. I thought it would fit in with the theme of this post.

The patio is romantic at nighttime with fire pits separating the tables from each other. Not all tables have a fire pit next to them. It’s best to make a request when making a reservation. Since I had never been there, I did not know this, but we got lucky.

My cousin was babysitting for her son’s Terrier mix and asked if she could bring him. So, before making a reservation, I looked around for restaurants with patios that would allow dogs. Her son’s dog’s name is Ewok, named after a furry biped in Star Wars. He is a rescue dog and I remember when her son first got him, he was a nervous dog. I was at my cousin’s house for dinner one night, and he hid behind her, and would not allow anyone to pet him. If you talked to him, he would start shaking. I think he was probably abused by his prior owner. A year or so later, he became a completely different dog. He is happy, loves to sleep in, allows me to pet him and is comfortable with people. He even has his own Instagram page.
My cousin wanted to order escargot. I told her I don’t eat snails, but when she insisted on ordering something else, I told her I'll have a little bit. It was her birthday and I wanted her to enjoy it. I often stay away from things that are killed. Occasionally I have fish, but I try to limit it. It’s a personal choice and I don’t judge. Most of my family and friends eat everything. Anyway, my cousin and I got into a deep discussion and forgot to take photos of everything until it was too late. The above pix is escargot. I had one piece and thought it tasted too fishy. The sauce was good, though.
We always hang out at restaurants until they kick us out because we get into these talks, and sometimes they are great and sometimes not so great. She loves to argue and calls it a “discussion.” I don’t like to argue. So, before our talks start to get heated, I back off, let her talk, and just listen. I’m the same way with my brother when we discuss politics. We sometimes end up saying,
let’s just agree to disagree and move on. 

The steak and fries was for my cousin and I got the scallops. Both were good. Sorry, but I have no photo of the scallops which was supposed to come with risotto, but they were out. So, to make up for it, our friendly and nice server gave us the Crème Brulé for free.

My rating for this restaurant would be 4.5 out of five stars.