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Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 13, 2024


Happy Valentine's Day 2024

I wasn’t planning on writing anything, because I haven't been in the mood to do much. But in the spirit of Valentine's Day, I’m putting up a short post for the visitors to my blog. I do not know most of you. I don’t track visitors. Blogger does a watered-down version of tracking – it basically tells me the country where visitors come from. But even that is inaccurate because a lot of times, people use VPN.

So, wherever you are from, I just want to say thank you for visiting.
Enjoy your Valentine's Day with your special someone,
with your family and friends,

or with just being on your own.
Just remember that you do not need Valentine's Day to tell someone how you feel, nor do you need to get them pricey gifts.

What you convey should come from the heart.