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Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Oh, the Places You'll Go! and Raw-Vitalize

I bought two books last week. I finished one: Oh, the Places You'll Go! by Dr. Seuss which I found out about by eavesdropping on someone’s video conversation 😉 Many of you have probably read the book. I read a lot when I was little, but I had never read anything by Dr. Seuss.

One of the reasons I got this book is my brother and I may be collaborating to write a children’s book, and I wanted to get an idea of how to write one. My brother made up this story which he used to tell his kids at bedtime. One day we were sitting in the kitchen of his house, and he told me about his made-up tale. I loved it. And the plan was to do a book together, but we never got around to it.
Even as an adult, I enjoyed reading Dr. Seuss’ book. There are some life lessons in there, and you can find a YouTube video on it, but I opted for the book because I love reading.
I received my second book yesterday: Raw-Vitalize by Mimi Kirk & Mia Kirk White. I got this because I have an auto immune disorder which makes life difficult, if not impossible, for me. It started in my twenties, but I was able to manage it. Unfortunately, it got much worse after my mom passed away, and I have been struggling with it since. Doctors tell me that there’s no cure, and my only choice is to take medications which may or may not work for the rest of my life. The medication causes cancer and other health issue. So, thanks, but no thanks.
There are a ton of people who talk about the raw diet, but I chose Mimi Kirk for two reasons. She too has an autoimmune disorder, but no symptoms. She says that it is because her raw diet helps her control it. Also, she is a good cook. I can cook, but I don’t’ know how to put raw things together unless it’s a salad, or a simple veggie dish. I’m looking forward to reading her book and trying out some of the recipes. This is going to be a process as I learn different tricks.
When the weather is cold, I prefer cooked food. But with summer around the corner, I think now is the best time to get started and get used to eating this way. I learned a lot when I took my mom to the Gerson Institute such as nothing is the same as eating live food. I learned that when I cooked food at a high temperature, I killed a lot of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. I also learned that a plant based diet is much easier on the digestion.

My snacks. I’m going to start juicing again, and to work towards balancing my days by having 80% raw, and some cooked food because I like herbal teas, and I enjoy socializing with friends and family.

I just want to feel better, and live life to the fullest. I believe that there are many components that contribute to good health such as taking care of our mental health by staying active, working, socializing, eating healthy, meditating, and letting go of negativity. Life is a journey, and we are always learning about ourselves, and the people, and the world around us.