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Thursday, December 5, 2013

A Day Trip to San Francisco

I wanted to leave town, but didn’t feel like traveling. I used to like traveling, but it’s not fun anymore. They search innocent people to death while the guilty walks free.

There are so many drug dealers and weapon sellers who have private jets and travel without ever getting searched. The politicians and government officials who set these idiotic rules never have to go through the stupidity that they have set up for us. Take your shoes off, raise your hands, turn around and etc. So ridiculous and pointless. It’s almost like the government wants to make sure that you are subservient and that you do as you are told like a mindless idiot.

Climbing up this hill was tough, but well worth it. It goes all the way to the Coit Tower for a scenic view. At the opposite end is Lombard street.

When I said that I was going to San Francisco for the day, everyone said, “that’s crazy. Why don’t you spend at least one night there?” Well, I’ve been to San Francisco many times and besides that’s what’s so fantastic about living in Los Angeles. We have everything and are so spoiled. Our city is like a vacation haven and when we need a change, all we have to do is travel one hour in any direction and we can be in a completely different place. And if we don’t take advantage of this, what’s the point of living here? We might as well save our money and go somewhere where the cost of living is much lower.

My flight to San Francisco was only one hour. Again, I hate getting searched as though I have done something wrong, but the hell with them. I’m determined not to let the idiots spoil my fun.


Bought some candy here for a friend who asked me to bring back some chocolate.

Hot Fudge Sundae
My friend and I had to have the hot fudge Sunday at Ghirardelli because no place else does it as yummy as they do.

Clam chowder
Walk, bike, cruise, eat and shop. I loved the creativity of the street vendors. So artsy.

An interesting cigar place. Too much sun no matter where I stood to take this shot. Oh well...

Duck Tours

Oh yeah, I almost forgot the Duck Tour, but I already did this when I was in Boston years ago.

Irish coffee
My friend who couldn’t come with us on this trip swears that this place has the best Irish coffee.

Boudin Bistro
The Boudin bakery has a café, a nice bistro and a bread making museum.


I was fascinated by the family who started this bakery and how bread was made in the 1800s. I thoroughly enjoyed spending time there. Here are more photos:

Once we left there, we ran into the below vendor. Although he didn’t want his picture taken, he was so kind, friendly and helpful. He told us that his wife made these beanies. I bought two for my nieces.

From there we headed out to the opposite side of the city - The Golden Gate Park. We wanted to see the conservatory of flowers and boy were we in for a surprise.


It was amazing. I can easily spend an entire day at this park.

The Park is huge like a forest and the air is so fresh and clean. There are so many joggers, people biking, and families with children; not to mention the many sightseeing areas. Unfortunately, it was getting late and we didn't have as much time as we wanted to spend at the Park. So, we we passed most of our time at the conservatory of flowers which was wonderful. This place is highly recommended.

Conservatory of Flowers
Conservatory of Flowers
conservatory of Flowers

Golden Gate Park