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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Marina Del Rey, Goldie's and Gravity

Before my weekend got started, I checked out some condos in the Marina with one of my realtors, Matthew. He’s such a nice guy, really genuine and wants to make sure that I get the best deal possible. Not many realtors are like that. They just want to make a quick sale and be done with it. So, it was truly a pleasure to spend time with him as we went from one building to the next and shared our thoughts about each unit. He even made me laugh a couple of times as we joked about how close some of the balconies were to each other. At the end, we both agreed to keep looking. There were no availabilities of the type of unit in the building I was most interested in and I wasn't willing to settle for leftovers in the other buildings. So, I will wait as I continue my search with the help of my realtors for a home that will suit my life. 
 I felt as relaxed as this sea lion.

After Matthew left, I hanged out in the Marina and loved it. It is such a great area. When I’m there, I feel like I’m on permanent vacation. It’s so relaxing with a ton of shops, restaurants and a large Barnes and Nobel - a rare gem with all the bookstores closing around us. I miss bookstores. I used to spend hours just walking around, reading and buying books. I hope that someday, they make a comeback. 
Anyway, after having an exceptional day of fun and buying a few things I needed, I was ready for dinner and a new movie - Gravity. Dinner was at Goldie’s on 3rd street. At first I wasn’t sure about going there, but once I tasted one of their unusual drinks and uncommon cuisine, I was hooked. Below are some more photos, a trailer on Gravity and my thoughts on the movie.

Golden Girl - jalapeƱo-spiced Chinaco tequila, passion fruit, agave syrup topped with lime meringue. Once I got used to the spiciness, it was yummy.

Kale salad, smoked eggplant, grilled cucumbers, roast yellow corn

Great dinner. Off to the movies… 

I give Gravity a "B". Over all, I enjoyed it – I mean how could I not with the oh so handsome and cool George Clooney and one of my favorite actresses, Sandra Bullock. But I thought the movie had plot holes. I mean here is the NSA breathing down on our necks and tracing all of our moves from when we go to the bathroom to the type of dental floss we use and yet they couldn’t care less about their mission specialists dying off and disappearing in space? And I know it is costly to make a movie with a lot of actors, but the majority of the movie had two actors which made it lack luster. Also, it is not that original because it is somewhat similar to cast away except that it takes place in space. With that said, I still recommend it. I enjoyed the thrilling side of it, the 3D effect, some of the interesting tidbits and the thought provoking idea about what would I do if this happened to me?