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Saturday, September 14, 2013

Figueroa Hotel

Friday night, I hanged out with two of my cousins in DTLA. They had never been to my apartment. So, they brought me flowers – so sweet.
Of course, all my stuff are in storage, so I had no vase. As you see below, I had to stick these pink and purple gladiolas in this unattractive house cleaning bucket until I go buy a new vase today.
After we chatted for a while and drank organic tart cherry juice – yummy and so refreshing in hot weather, we headed out to wolfgang puck's Bar and Grill at the Staples center.
The food was okay and the atmosphere comfortable. We shared a bottle of wine, pizza, salad and pasta. Sorry, forgot to take photos. We stayed there until they turned off the lights, so we headed toward the next best thing – Figueroa Hotel.
By then, it was after midnight. The night was still young. I ordered absolute Martinis with raspberry and a twist of lemon, my cousin, a mojito and my other cousin, coffee.
The atmosphere was romantic and the men around us nice looking but young – you know European looking college boys, but we outlasted all of them as we drank and chatted until the bar closed. It’s actually a tradition with me and my cousins. We stay until all the chairs are packed on top of the tables and all the patrons are gone.  Below are some more photos.
I highly recommend a visit to the Hotel Figueroa. I wouldn’t want to stay here because it’s not my taste.  I am a contemporary gal and prefer new things, but I do enjoy looking at time travel buildings.
This hotel is exotic, historical and lovely. The tile work, the antique style furniture, the iron gates, and the chandeliers are a must see.
Built in  1920’s, It’s a YWCA turned into a hotel with a mix of Spanish Colonial-gothic and Moroccan. They lock the door late at night. You can get out, but can’t get in.