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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Country Music at LA LIVE

There’s always something going on in DTLA. From street protests to Thursday night art shows, to a mix of gourmet and hole in the wall restaurants, to wine tasting and outdoor movie nights, you will never get bored. This Friday night I felt like going for a walk. Once I got to L.A Live, I was surprised by a country music event – Round Up at L.A. LIVE, the ultimate country street party. They had live music, line dancing, cornhole tournament, a mechanical Bull and a whole lot of other stuff.  

Line Dancing – I got here too late, but pretty cool… 

It was really crowded and difficult to move around without bumping into other people. The performers were really good and the crowd was lively. I saw one or two people get on the mechanical bull, but they couldn’t hold on long enough for me to take a photo. Miraculously, I managed to take a few shots without someone’s head getting in the way. 

Cornhole tournament – throwing bags of corn at a raised platform with a hole in the far end

These guys at the Piano played well. My unprofessional video doesn’t do them justice.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Cancer and Gerson Institute

Inside the Gerson Institute

So many people die from conventional cancer treatments. Chemo and radiation is poison and yet day after day, the medical community rams it down the throat of unsuspecting patients. The News media and the supposedly “Cancer” institutions never comment on all the people who have died after poisoning themselves with chemo and radiation. But as soon as a single person passes away because they used an alternative treatment, they ruthlessly jump all over it. The big pharma controls every aspect of cancer from faulty research to faulty education of doctors to prosecuting anyone that comes in its way.

Within Five minutes of walk from Gerson

Jess Ainscough, a seven year cancer survivor who decided to use alternative treatment because conventional treatments failed her, died on February 26, 2015. The news and the so called cancer societies were all over her, having a field day with their comments. After all, it is so easy to criticize someone who has died because she can no longer defend herself. But I will defend her and her choices.

These are the foods Patients eat. The media calls it “radical treatment” or “harmful to your health” Really???? 

Foods prepared for dinner. Wouldn't you rather have this than a dose of Chemo?

Carrot Juice which helps fight cancer or Radiation? Which one would you rather have?

The Gerson therapy is one of the most humane therapies that exist today. Their doctors and nurses are much more compassionate than the heartless and cold corporate run hospitals.
Charlotte Gerson. My Mom and I love her.
One of the staff with my mom. She treated my mom so well. Much better than all the nurses at the "conventional" hospital. And guess what? When you are sick, what you need is someone who cares. Everyone at Gerson cared.

My Mom went on Gerson. My mom passed away, but she would have passed away anyway because her doctors told her that she would die within a year and that there was nothing they could do. They wanted to put her on hospice. I gave them the middle finger.
At a fair near Gerson. When my mom first arrived, she had no energy to leave her bed. This picture was taken two weeks after her arrival. She went from using a walker to standing on her own. Imagine that?

My Mom bought these white flowers at the fair. She planted them by herself at Gerson.

After my mom got on Gerson, her improvements were amazing. She went from being a lump of meat to having energy, to cooking, to doing her laundry and to having hope. The mistake that she made was that when she started feeling much better, she began eating things that she was not allowed to eat on Gerson. When she did this, after six months of success, her health started to deteriorate again. Gerson works, but it’s hard to do.
Some of the patients and caregivers at Gerson.

I think that when you have cancer and you go on a Gerson diet, you have to always stay on a Gerson diet. Personally, if I get diagnosed with terminal cancer, I would do a modified version of Gerson in order to reduce my pain. I would not do conventional medicine. Death is inevitable. How I choose to live my life is my own business. I will not allow the conventional medical bullies push me around.
This is the love chart the staff made for my mom on our last night at Gerson. We were so touched by their love. The Media has critisized them by saying Gerson does nothing and is only interested in collecting money. However, the fee that Gerson charges is pennies compared to what the pharmaceuticals and hospitals charge. Unfortunately, insurance companies who are in bed with big corporations do not cover the charges.

The van that picks up and drops off patients.

Jess Ainscough was young when she passed away, but she touched many lives and helped many people deal with so many important issues. She was the voice of those of us who are fed up with faulty information from the medical industry. Rest in Peace Jessica and thank you for sharing your journey.